My professional experience has been working in private practice and with non-profit agencies, as well as professional coaching for business and personal goals. I have an undergraduate degree in Psychology, and Masters in Psychology and Counseling. I'm also a certified Life Coach. Some of my specialized areas are anxiety and making it through transition (aka "being stuck"). I find that most issues are rooted in adaptation to change.
My clients come from a broad spectrum of ages and life experiences, often seeking an enlightened approach to whatever is concerning them. I think that's wise because I agree with Einstein who said that you can't solve a problem in the same paradigm that created it. If you want something different, you need to do something different, and most people benefit from discovering why, and how, they self-sabotage.
I practice with an eclectic approach using psychodynamics, clear intention, and a proactive encounter with consciousness. I counsel the whole person, not just symptoms.
I coach by establishing a clear goal and challenging the subconscious resistance.
My style is relaxed, positive and straight-forward.
I believe that every person has the resources already inside of them to succeed.
I lead an organic lifestyle, mindful of food, exercise and meditation as a means to optimal spiritual and mental health. I practice and recommend intentional self-care as a powerful tool to enhance not only health and emotional well-being, but also to clear the way for advancement of goals. I believe that most issues of concern can be greatly alleviated by considering how you treat your body. Feeling well comes from the inside out.